Newest mail: 23 July, 2012
2012. július 27., péntek
Newest mail: 25 July, 2012
It's so nice to see that my students are enjoying their summer holiday all over Europe. This multi-view card was sent from Freiburg, again from Baden-Württemberg, one of my favourite regions in Germany. Thanks a lot for this postcard Fruzsi, and I wish you a great time there!
Newest mail: 17 July, 2012
Thanks to Szandra for this postcard. Not only because Wendlingen is located in Baden-Württemberg, which is one of my favourite parts in Germany but because however busy she was there, she could find some time to get a postcard and send it to me. Interestingly, Wendlingen is twinned with Dorog in Hungary, which is next to Esztergom, where Szandra lives. Another intriguing thing about this postcard is that it was first sent to Budapest (following the zip code and totally ignoring the destination town), postmarked there and then sent forward to Pilisvörösvár upon realizing that it was in the wrong place. :)
I wish Szandra all the best for the summer and the forthcoming year. May your dreams come true sooner than you have them. Thank you for the postcard once again especially the lion or cat or whatever felid it is...
2012. július 19., csütörtök
Newest mail: 12 July, 2012
That's most probably the largest postcard I've ever received and that came all the way from the Netherlands from my former student, Aphrodite, who is spending some time there in the summer. The gigantic postcard shows a romantic sight of Zeeland, a province in the Netherlands that consists of numerous islands. Vlissingen is also located here, and this is where 'Afi' is staying at the moment, although the postcard was sent from Rotterdam as far as the postmark is concerned. The sunset in the picture reminds me of the sunset we experienced together in England on the coast not far from Canterbury... Happy memories! A million+1 thanks to you, Afi!
2012. július 16., hétfő
Guinea-Bissau #304
Newest mail: 22 June, 2012
Another gem in the collection: a postcard and a cover from Guinea-Bissau. A great friend of mine, Nelo was spending his holiday on Bubaque Island, which is part of the Bissagos (Bijagós) Islands, and he could obtain the postcard above there. Were there to be sufficient infrastructure and communication with the mainland, this ancient place of unique culture would surely have its deserved place among the most popular African tourist attractions. Eternal gratitude goes to Nelo! Thank you so much, my friend!
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